The Picture House Preston for prints, mirrors and framing

We are happy to offer advice on framing virtually any item, including football shirts, photographs, certificates, prints, paintings, needlework, medals and memorabilia.

A large range of framing and mounts to suit any budget, conservation products used as standard.

Canvas stretching.

Mounts, glass and backs cut to size.

Speciality glass.

Acrylic panels made to order.

We have one of the largest selections of frames and mounts in the area to suit all budgets.

View examples of Picture House's framing on Pinterest

The Picture House Preston for prints, mirrors and framing

Regularly framed items include football shirts, certificates, prints, paintings, medals and memorabilia, CDs and vinyl records, needlework, 3D objects, boxing gloves, cricket bats, babies clothing and wedding favours .... we can frame anything!

The Picture House Preston for prints, mirrors and framing

We stock an excellent range of mirrors in various frames and sizes. Mirrors can be made to order in any size and frame with plain or bevelled glass.

Mirrors can be made to order in any size as can acrylic panels.

Overmantle mirrors in plain or decorative frames are available in 5 colourways.

Click here to browse our mirror selection.

The Picture House Preston for prints, mirrors and framing

A reliable bespoke framing service is available to trade clients such as artists, photographers, advertising agencies, house builders etc.

We can also provide pictures, mirrors and framing services to hotels, pubs and holiday homes.